Robin McCarthy
"Dogs in Night to Barn Where Sheep," Alaska Quarterly Review
"Living Deep Beside the Fire," Down East Magazine
"Chickens," "Fish Ladder," and "Three Things Pulled from Water in Spring," Gulf Coast Online
"Writers Do It Best" for the Ploughshares Blog
"How Working for a Lit Mag can Boost Your Writing Career" for The Review Review.
Review of Dinty Moore's "Dear Mister Essay Writer Guy," Passages North
"What I've Come So Far to Tell Them," Talking Writing
"Dead or Alive" for the PANK blog.
"Visiting Elisabeth," Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors
"Doing Our Own Thing," Women and Cruising
"Inheriting Sailing," Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors
Review of Jacob Appel's "Scouting for the Reaper," Green Mountains Review